There is no need to suffer from allergies. Our practice offers comprehensive allergy testing, diagnosis, and treatment options that will help you breathe again.

Every ENT physician at ENT and Allergy Associates of South Georgia has specialized training in the medical management of seasonal and year-round allergies.

Allergy Diagnosis

We are proud to offer several types of cutting-edge diagnostic allergy testing, including:

  • Skin prick/scratch testing to diagnose reactive allergens
  • Blood tests to look for allergen-specific antibodies

Allergy Treatment

Our treatments are personalized to your specific needs. Some of the treatment options we offer include:

  • Allergen avoidance
  • Over-the-counter and/or prescription medications
  • Subcutaneous immunotherapy (allergy shots)
  • Sublingual immunotherapy (under the tongue)

Do you suffer from chronic sinusitis, allergies, or ear infections? Call our office today to set up an appointment and get relief.